2011-12-29 17:16:51 |
Boadicea Resources Limited - Prospectus |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6703a5d204106064d235ba58d8923797 |
New Issue Letter of Offer & Acc. Form
2012-04-23 12:05:04 |
Supplementary Prospectus |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e39208b5479b85b78e54542f8234684a |
New Issue Letter of Offer & Acc. Form
2012-07-23 09:30:27 |
Supplementary Prospectus |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3aecd3865f4ad424f5caf115e1407702 |
New Issue Letter of Offer & Acc. Form
2012-10-09 16:42:26 |
Appendix 1A |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a1838fc20e7883427f3e417fa16d2239 |
Suspension from Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
Company Administration - Other
2012-10-09 16:43:26 |
ASX Admission Circular |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a88aeb8c9d947ef950868f74a3980859 |
Notice of General Meeting
Stock Exchange Announcement
Suspension from Official Quotation
Admission to Official List
Commencement of Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
2012-10-09 16:43:26 |
Admission to Official List |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/039da45627c87784b0c5f27cb107faf1 |
Notice of General Meeting
Admission to Official List
2012-10-09 16:44:26 |
Pre-Quotation Disclosure |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d947922c42ff816fe4a406ac4cb4018a |
Suspension from Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
2012-10-09 17:13:11 |
Constitution |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/259f391f6e6bf3f7cd4e980eb7a74ae5 |
Details of Company Address
2012-10-09 17:13:12 |
Distribution Schedule |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/be3041f778f4d3ceeef8d1f0bd2dfff1 |
2012-10-09 17:16:13 |
Top 20 Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e89244e3fa88f6c6a788582c9816258d |
2012-10-09 17:17:14 |
Restricted Securities Schedule |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3d64a22ed7b984b365800ca09d086ee5 |
2012-10-09 17:17:15 |
Updated Pro-Forma Balance Sheet |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f3d3522396492a7fe1bef92e8f8fc8c7 |
Full Year Directors' Statement
2012-10-09 17:18:16 |
Updated Statement of Commitments |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/17e3e4e2f87cbdfabe3998e5334f4d81 |
2012-10-09 17:22:21 |
Confirmations |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2c2f22713c0bcd7c300c187f86914b35 |
Notice of General Meeting
Admission to Official List
2012-10-09 17:23:22 |
Securities Trading Policy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/235c29b3937167566a240acc4c73038b |
2012-10-09 17:28:25 |
Financial Report - 30 June 2012 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/eef4b3c2286ffbfa12bc7c1156ed4522 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
2012-10-09 17:29:26 |
Replacement ASX Admission Circular |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/565a90664ad6ac6a6c716c9d56fd9775 |
Notice of General Meeting
Stock Exchange Announcement
Suspension from Official Quotation
Admission to Official List
Commencement of Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
2012-10-22 19:20:19 |
Appendices 3X |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/94758a9fd7f141a7802ba719ddbf8dc5 |
Section 205G Notice - Director's Interests
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2012-10-22 19:22:20 |
Release of Securities from Escrow |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9aa4018b2b23659f9eb1134b1c0ce137 |
2012-10-26 10:29:27 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c48d8a6259c705979b57676cf7dd114d |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2012-10-30 14:35:30 |
Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/09a4ccc8d1cb90729e9d858a8e88db2d |
First Quarter Activities Report
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2012-11-07 14:33:31 |
Progress Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f546a4833b65849b86243b18e169edd1 |
2012-11-14 15:33:33 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7bb55ffb8ff850ef28dab64d39137f86 |
2012-11-22 11:36:31 |
Progress Report: Fraser Range Licences of Sirius/Boadicea |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1fddbfbe94e4ec446cc8d998ea1730a2 |
2012-11-27 11:17:09 |
Geochemistry Reveals Anomalous Nickel Areas at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/aae8f37c62984c757d62d2a1b0fb8c75 |
2012-11-30 10:22:11 |
Results of 2012 Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/94df31e85101cf8cb8c00f36d91073f7 |
2012-12-06 12:05:03 |
Release of Securities from Escrow |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/82a233e4e3001f46e40d9d18bf7130be |
Alteration to issued capital
2012-12-14 14:45:44 |
Substantial Shareholder Notice - Tootub Pty Ltd |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/23d7d346d91a7c7c238669664047c139 |
Becoming a substantial holder
2012-12-14 14:49:45 |
Becoming a substantial holder - Clarke Dudley |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/58e97dddd8dc819c198c65e21e817672 |
Becoming a substantial holder
2012-12-17 16:49:47 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6c74099a34f7f5eb06ceda213fc6dfbe |
2013-01-14 14:26:20 |
Appendix 5B - 31 December 2012 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b2ad908ca129ff617aa365c96da569ff |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2013-01-14 15:31:26 |
Quarterly Report 31 December 2012 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/319c2ca150c9f44a67ab8034e5867959 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2013-02-07 15:12:04 |
Options Prospectus |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2732c3149d39993593a43c3fc1a908ab |
New Issue Letter of Offer & Acc. Form
2013-02-07 15:46:46 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8f5c310fe96055823d6444c276bcc61c |
2013-02-11 10:40:37 |
Letter to shareholders - Option Issue |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/548defc11ba9d8b8a72d5de741b2984d |
2013-02-20 15:43:42 |
Despatch of Options Prospectus |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cb9b95edc5f97470523089b191cebd77 |
Company Administration - Other
2013-03-06 16:46:42 |
Half-year Financial Report 31 December 2012 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6d5876ebba4ec459d4cca85cac64da8c |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2013-03-07 09:33:31 |
Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2012 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/383bbe02afdacafa2379d1622a7664ab |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2013-03-14 15:24:22 |
Option Issue Shortfall |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/650ebbe09590548430935933bcd4b3ec |
2013-04-03 12:07:03 |
Appendix 5B quarterly report 31 March 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0a2fe4780bf6bfa95345b4723f69d66f |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2013-04-03 12:07:59 |
Activities Report March quarter 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ed6980a5efae1d2159b0e7a9b5fc43d7 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2013-04-05 14:21:20 |
Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ed20c537006c7c174f7185e93db7d3db |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2013-04-05 14:22:22 |
Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a3e0a517290b8eae0225d9473cd96411 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2013-04-05 14:24:23 |
Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3c52797bb18ddf3ae53414f8de45c2f7 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2013-04-09 17:39:35 |
Response to ASX Appendix 3Y Query |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/50c8a3ec4330be995f5a9547fd2782a7 |
2013-04-17 10:29:26 |
BOA Assay Results Symons Hill Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f2b35099867bacf1efec2e33370b0d00 |
2013-04-26 14:01:59 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c276a42bc0ef013ab19c5897c348b5de |
2013-05-02 10:47:41 |
Aerial EM Survey commences at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/01f4bf44d4dc3c8ac15d6d8821e18d79 |
2013-05-03 10:58:56 |
Investor Presentation May 2013 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b31eba8474fbf983b915837bd1facce6 |
2013-05-16 11:56:51 |
Aerial Em Survey completed at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3ae728a9147b5e4b52655e05c1e01d0a |
2013-05-17 13:06:05 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c51e78487c1aa43dc7bfe3c3db42e3ba |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2013-06-03 10:33:33 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ea9a5627f9f47572c5482b29c03c439a |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2013-06-11 15:02:56 |
Soil Sampling Results - Murrin Murrin Project at Leonora |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ff9a4e22426361e6dedd68dd0290da74 |
2013-06-12 10:17:12 |
Amended/Detailed Sampling Results - Murrin Murrin Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ba115de4da46217c49b0523bffd22928 |
2013-06-14 11:48:47 |
Appendix 3B Conversion of Options |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8942271f305fe770fe28e418305f258f |
2013-06-28 14:50:48 |
Appendix 3B (BOA) 28.06.13 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a507976d22ac9d369a455eb8016f9421 |
2013-07-10 15:26:19 |
Activities Report June quarter 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/857eb973d6a4f10b981dc8f425ce8721 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2013-07-10 15:26:22 |
Appendix 5B quarterly report 30.06.13 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5b7f3f7de4f648c9994c043a614df3f0 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2013-07-18 14:50:47 |
Symons Hill VTEM Results |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8cefb1395ec54fb888b4c15a440a7824 |
2013-07-19 11:29:28 |
JORC Code Clarification Statement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/850dcac75b858c5d45ee956663670559 |
2013-07-24 13:21:20 |
Appendix 3B (BOA) 24.07.13 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/05d691d666e338cf102f0b57f9d95d3d |
2013-08-21 14:53:50 |
Murrin Murrin Licences suspended |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/76f1bc0e31213d4879a8bd365bb9c13d |
2013-08-21 15:31:29 |
Murrin Murrin Licences surrendered - heading correction |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/66b2f493a61f360b01cfedfc8392abf2 |
2013-08-26 11:42:39 |
Symons Hill Licence Ownership |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8e9f531b1ec3dc90adda16ffa2620cc1 |
Company Administration - Other
2013-09-03 14:52:44 |
Symons Hill ground EM survey commences |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2c2fe39ade262342a40aac4a4527f0e7 |
2013-09-10 11:27:25 |
Appendix 3B (BOA) - 10.09.13 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9e82e59911468b1d376b52e2f9f196b6 |
2013-09-12 12:41:33 |
Boadicea Resources Ltd - Exploration Update Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9954180c6076698d5e22dee8cc871525 |
2013-09-20 14:39:36 |
Financial Report 2013 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/dc69a1a032016b2582768d0f098c4bd0 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2013-10-17 12:37:35 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/683ca6279fdc923a024feb42dd39c428 |
2013-10-21 12:01:59 |
Annual General Meeting Notice / Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/311e4a0670c9d763e5d0abe5d2748eaf |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2013-10-23 16:01:56 |
Activities Report September Quarter 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/243c3fa9892e993330848f1717120601 |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2013-10-23 16:01:58 |
Appendix 5B Quarterly Report September 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4ce4f74623ef92ae38f7149557de0f97 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2013-10-29 16:46:44 |
Ground EM prioritises drill targets at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6e6945db81ab1cb4fca68cda31cb252f |
2013-11-20 12:04:59 |
Exploration Update - Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8a82df4e0ea16f4d39370f459148d5b3 |
2013-11-28 12:14:12 |
Investor Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d6f6ffdfafad09cec6209ddc544ba71b |
2013-11-29 15:10:08 |
Results of 2013 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0fcfbe4418be77d7bbbfed31df72aa2a |
2013-11-29 16:51:47 |
Investor Presentation REPLACEMENT |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4bdd18f98a89c3e64e17291d181c9e35 |
2013-12-11 12:21:20 |
Appendix 3B (BOA) |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d1691be90e7b5f1713454af0e49a46b |
2014-01-16 12:41:38 |
Activities Report December Quarter 2013 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7572d54e8ef28cd79d63f27014c65aeb |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2014-01-16 12:42:42 |
Appendix 5B quarterly report 31.12.13 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/556a81e52320e618def5795f27aad441 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2014-01-23 14:28:25 |
Updated December Quarterly Report incl tenement details |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9c6d0d41653d31694d27eefb49e02dcd |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2014-02-13 12:03:01 |
BOA Half-Year Financial Report 31 December 2013 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1ca9fdfd4357b7ed19dc8dd9d639aa1c |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2014-02-24 11:11:06 |
Drilling to Commence at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d918b121499361b95633741c6baa068c |
2014-02-28 15:31:30 |
Option Expiry Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7bcc20756c92290654901657ae9a33c3 |
2014-02-28 15:32:31 |
Options Exercise Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3ce36f63507ab27a336a3cbb55271854 |
2014-03-18 12:53:49 |
Drilling commenced at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/98a3fc49117de38109dda6852b19e7c0 |
2014-04-10 15:09:05 |
Quarterly Activities Report March 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0ed14473af5b8e96e8ac9ffc84280c6c |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2014-04-10 15:09:06 |
Appendix 5B March 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4cb26c610d64c71cfcaf5baba8a915d7 |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2014-04-14 15:20:18 |
Appendix 3B Issue of Shares |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c71ef4cf8d62cffe47f932c973c8052f |
2014-04-14 15:21:20 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest - C Dudley |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1c3ad4737ce554fe7c6e98bfd29e3c23 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2014-04-14 15:22:21 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest - N Kempton |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/29540fc54d7126e1cf4be93729858585 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2014-04-14 15:23:21 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest - E Odachowski |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/abeed9cc072d87d5d43fb8a539cfcc43 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2014-04-17 15:58:56 |
Registry Change of Address |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/de82be22e78204b308bdcf65b590c194 |
Details of Share Registry address
2014-04-30 12:23:21 |
Investor Presentation - April 2014 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fe864f229a977ca4c4d6f43860c525e7 |
2014-05-09 16:34:30 |
Drilling Results at Symons Hill in Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/700f72e3c9683a750d1d7c517687bc5f |
2014-05-14 10:52:47 |
Change in Tenement Holdings |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a1c154b8990fb4a7a6e86916459efe75 |
2014-05-30 15:57:56 |
App 3Y C Dudley |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fe76df02578168583a684173790f2c55 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2014-06-17 12:16:13 |
Fraser Range aerial survey - additional conductors |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/34d44acd575a7b40d6ce4a8f8f9599b5 |
2014-06-17 15:35:33 |
Replacement aerial survey announcement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bf226929c635d44a445e6e0b67458f24 |
2014-07-17 12:41:37 |
Appendix 5B June quarter 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ac00e1d3898b53e9736ec7b33251884d |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2014-07-17 12:41:38 |
Activities Report June quarter 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4508a976f84e8b55d8af51621459050e |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2014-07-25 10:19:15 |
Fraser Range drilling - Petrology results |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/86a0665f7fe6a349340c49028d2b2eeb |
2014-08-12 11:03:01 |
Investor presentation August 2014 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/52f4e00be65816c80713e5ec9b526650 |
2014-09-18 15:55:53 |
2014 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/528ac155369753ed54d352ac18101485 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2014-09-19 15:37:36 |
Release of Securities from Escrow |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2a0cae833b78f3afaf1d6c979003a8b9 |
2014-10-13 11:48:46 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e511c6982be6f1445f09f8cfce1f17bc |
2014-10-15 10:36:32 |
September 2014 quarterly report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f738144b33e29ba36e999a88b8f7356e |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2014-10-15 10:37:36 |
Appendix 5B September 2014 quarterly report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7f30bbf52bfa3cf8c0df293da6c10a03 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2014-10-22 12:28:25 |
Annual Report to Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a8d4ae0ea5a4dea7c770f06bcbdabc08 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2014-10-22 15:18:17 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8ab2c1a3d06563700efda1b2b78b9e31 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
2014-10-22 15:19:18 |
Annual General Meeting Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8467dafb2aa7e4c2da5faded1d9810ca |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2014-11-10 14:43:38 |
Grant of New Exploration Licence 10 November 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9cb6b70a8285eaf13c75213dda774eda |
2014-11-12 14:43:38 |
Infill geochemistry results highlight anomalous zones |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d442b97561b89b7bbfbf69e23b5c8733 |
2014-11-25 11:01:54 |
Ground EM Survey commences at Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1ef9104f1455bafba23b010f8e4ed997 |
2014-11-28 11:04:00 |
Investor Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/dfcb387f209e312ffcabc5150e37937f |
2014-12-02 11:39:36 |
Results of 2014 Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/47b0330ac4a817fc1f9fcf9992814416 |
2015-01-08 11:41:32 |
Activities Report December Quarter 2014 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ff6506c1c14c56dc72f353119c994701 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2015-01-08 11:42:33 |
Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d0b7ebf76dfaec4b7c4f9bde89bdb611 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2015-01-19 12:14:09 |
Sampling Results at Paraburdoo Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b992d09ee8af57a963cb9b1095971a2b |
2015-01-30 11:50:45 |
Ground EM identifies significant conductor |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/98432ef6e2318274666edf958c72857f |
2015-02-19 11:03:59 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8714d75e23cbdaf96a21a3700d43422b |
2015-02-27 10:25:22 |
Half year Financial Report 31 December 2014 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3b9832df75fb07b29b404b8ab181b681 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2015-03-10 12:23:23 |
Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5aa24badeacb2b9af1b117b71eaf5926 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2015-03-10 14:36:35 |
Revised Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/27281ff287668ba6c6c93d0e4c91379e |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2015-03-31 11:57:50 |
Symons Hill Gravity Survey Results |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/43ead830434afadbea783cdbc10a8864 |
2015-04-20 15:15:06 |
Activities Report March Quarter 2015 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2c00b7156a7f01d5bfe9d2ff14c406f1 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2015-04-23 11:46:41 |
Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/acd8153140a9442d900f05b67c112edb |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2015-05-04 10:01:54 |
Drilling has commenced at Symons Hill conductor |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0e8c753c01dc75d3e85e92355094a4f3 |
2015-05-12 09:52:50 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5411dc9dba0f6c9d7218dea40faad84a |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2015-05-12 10:21:19 |
Request for Trading Halt |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7b1f0faec9139571e8caa5bcfd5f0c6b |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2015-05-13 12:28:37 |
Drilling at Symons Hill completed |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6af9db107b3109266cb10d1f688e15da |
2015-05-20 10:25:11 |
Ongoing work at the Red Cap Conductor |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/555f7253f67a4a65bb8070930c5e6e2f |
2015-06-09 09:52:47 |
Downhole EM results at Red Cap |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d5856d89847d2fabb8a768cb68222d65 |
2015-06-25 12:01:58 |
Exploration update, Symons Hill Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/332b1c3d50ecb76fe9b02a760b358805 |
2015-06-30 10:04:59 |
Extension of Fraser Range Licence |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c97f65364d42b59c3de4d3173ba424b5 |
2015-07-13 09:48:47 |
Drilling grant for Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b8a66a01730b700bd48a14c78b95cf20 |
2015-07-20 10:04:01 |
Activities Report June Quarter 2015 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2bd894752918d3c1295bbe4a8da45a8e |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2015-07-20 10:07:04 |
Appendix 5B June Quarter 2015 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9d68370a8831a9c32c5514c65ddece5d |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2015-07-27 10:05:57 |
Infill gravity commences at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f168c3c7aa28dcdd4cd8f0a498fe0dfd |
2015-08-26 09:44:25 |
Completion of Infill Gravity Survey |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ff0406b1abbd754c917853119d6caf99 |
2015-09-10 11:35:33 |
Annual Report - 30 June 2015 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9a2b6afebd67aa7885ca9fd7b29306de |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2015-09-11 15:43:42 |
Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9e2c136af443b8500ba70f3b7e197b3d |
2015-09-14 09:38:36 |
Drilling scheduled for Red Cap EM target |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/808a89531cc26836ab1dc2f4f065c35a |
2015-10-01 14:33:27 |
Driller appointed for planned start at Symons Hill on 14 Oct |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/33a0addd0b3916dc72f8428ab0a7e9c7 |
2015-10-14 09:58:53 |
Diamond drilling commenced at Symons Hill in Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e14fb9eea2de5b7895208b84545d994b |
2015-10-20 10:58:53 |
Activities report - September 2015 quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/969f054649ae88d47be59b400ac68b5c |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2015-10-20 10:58:55 |
Appendix 5B - September 2015 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/902c9eef449a361759cfbee4d0f72108 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2015-10-22 15:44:41 |
Annual Report 2015 despatched to shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c6fde77ea3de83b6a9623a29fbf70fbc |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2015-10-23 09:57:51 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/716047cb6fe5d4d931245c4403119ea7 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2015-10-23 10:00:58 |
Trading Halt Request |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ea8577e15fdb05a475dd87ae60666070 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2015-10-27 09:42:30 |
Sulphides in drill core at Symons Hill in Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b2f20b41c8b62f0ff8178ccdaa587a4f |
2015-10-27 14:25:23 |
Corporate Governance Plan |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/68c14aaa487be19cf159063fb72fea92 |
2015-11-03 17:11:05 |
Symons Hill (updated)- Pyrrhotite and Chalcopyrite Sulphides |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d2bafc7abad06a248e2dba4b3e0079c1 |
2015-11-12 10:34:32 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ed347fd4c3edadb3450eb058c0428460 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2015-11-12 11:13:06 |
Symons Hill Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f9c611f1aec62b98b2bf5f599c9914a9 |
2015-11-25 10:06:53 |
Gravity interpretation update Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6243ad1b93c59055110951c4cbdc8ace |
2015-11-27 11:10:05 |
November AGM presentation 2015 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4426a40c19beaac92edd72cb3cd1c9ed |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2015-11-27 16:02:00 |
Results of 2015 Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e34b5f105124ba6151f9a85a16f625a2 |
2016-01-25 14:01:56 |
December 2015 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4ac2fc82ba5e9fa254dc9518d5dd2b9c |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2016-01-25 14:02:58 |
Appendix 5B - 31 December 2015 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c45821538ff233dcbf81345b99346936 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2016-02-11 10:39:31 |
Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2015 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/18c8bc249f232301522fa02ffaabcf25 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2016-04-11 10:02:59 |
Boadicea features on Bloomberg News Channel |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d8f2a340917d9b4bfe7bfda095c81a95 |
2016-04-22 16:11:05 |
Quarterly Report September 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5a80c98592000e63bf3701e66ebdbe99 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2016-04-22 16:15:13 |
Appendix 5B September 2016 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5528b75fd699e8431a198ba248ffc46e |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2016-05-31 11:19:17 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ffb144e660b0a0c230a27abf07681368 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2016-06-23 15:49:43 |
Activities Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0bdf8dcf94998d49b086b1de65a9f7ad |
Company Administration - Other
2016-06-30 15:00:59 |
Directors Appointment and Resignation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/759167bfec62a5b7b050f76668ccd352 |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2016-06-30 16:42:39 |
Final Director's Interest Notice - Appendix 3Z |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4f6a32bd080eb4b3fe5da5691e7f045b |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
Final Director's Interest Notice
2016-06-30 16:59:58 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice - Appendix 3X |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0e9c0192a9a56522068a898df8001ff9 |
Section 205G Notice - Director's Interests
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2016-07-14 14:54:50 |
Appendix 5B - Quarterly Report June 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2b90646259735c1eeeb9a7bf37111109 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2016-07-14 14:57:56 |
Activity Report - June Quarter 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1ea4c42797daafcc387764db8a0a71c2 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2016-07-21 14:24:17 |
Soil Geochemistry Results - Lake Nerramyne |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9135e9e95d9c0e8df379a18c48fe6275 |
2016-08-16 11:13:07 |
Encouraging Platinum-Palladium Soil Geochem. at Paraburdoo |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/dc881630423b9ebf9b7d57c882b134dc |
2016-08-31 15:59:55 |
Annual Accounts for year 2016 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c0db5f3a96d922b2e5848d8ccc0625ec |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2016-09-19 11:16:48 |
Edgar Range Mineral Sands Licence granted |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/103a4aba45afe567dc03076f946fa79a |
2016-09-27 08:55:51 |
Fraser Range drilling update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e4a241a16b19c14c89ced986691ea193 |
2016-10-03 14:48:44 |
Annual Report to Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4ca11eb849f6a9eb048e115559995d17 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2016-10-03 15:07:05 |
Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1e7e95f6ddee8dd3faa22335007a4ed3 |
2016-10-10 09:55:50 |
Drilling commenced adjacent to Nova licence |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9888f093595aaa5fbcc2912d525f063f |
2016-10-13 11:22:20 |
Investor Presentation 13 October 2016 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/16625f8f7ffd7e5b4cd60784ac3e4c0c |
2016-10-14 10:14:11 |
Annual Meeting Notice 2016 and Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e865b0884e8aa986522878a8588a37b2 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2016-10-17 09:25:24 |
Activity Report September Quarter 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f6fee31d7b1f3cb9feca473bbc71ba69 |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2016-10-17 09:58:51 |
Appendix 5B September Quarter 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/da5834f72ca88b9658a1b1247045bf29 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2016-11-07 09:33:31 |
Exploration update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/875ed3fdc07fc3697b9352a85893eac1 |
2016-11-24 09:59:57 |
2016 AGM presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/570fc098bae3db6cd680fd0b3973f568 |
Chairman's Address - Other
2016-11-24 16:53:52 |
Results of 2016 Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4edca2ff174f38577a90510b7c556094 |
2016-12-09 09:55:51 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7cde2f4f44cca948f9ac6eb87a1b64af |
2017-01-12 09:27:26 |
Quarterly Activities Report December 2016 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bab3acf736cb811313028fb48200ea0c |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2017-01-12 09:31:29 |
Appendix 5B December 2016 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f3879debfaac690b3a5818c9a81929e8 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2017-02-02 09:48:44 |
Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2016 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/16eb5439f738997e3cb09c0160426210 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2017-02-06 09:46:44 |
Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ae8ecd3aee89a04617b646308140be4c |
2017-02-09 11:58:57 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/712f06451410785164e466e32bc595d7 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-02-10 11:58:57 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/07b4986788dd779a0dbcf511b38ccf94 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-02-13 10:10:10 |
Change of interests of substantial holder |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/67eefef508f2cb3ca0c7134d6c4e94fb |
Becoming a substantial holder
Change in substantial holding
2017-02-27 09:52:46 |
Investor Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ea82c02142bca1e60dcb95c270f69666 |
2017-04-20 09:48:46 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7a3c0bae8ee2149653a09db0d2b71748 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2017-04-24 09:56:28 |
Capital Raising - Share Placement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/db7370abd2de0e2ffd8858b87e15b112 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report - Other
2017-04-27 09:46:44 |
Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/89ca2f2cec5c91cf00335089fcc790f0 |
2017-04-27 09:56:54 |
Section 708(A) Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3e80b2ab4fa00e37b42b2c09f50e8c7b |
ASX BookBuild - Upcoming/Commenced
2017-04-28 09:19:17 |
Quarterly Activities Report March 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3a915ab7379057dc8b4e3e2426496082 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2017-04-28 09:22:21 |
Appendix 5B March 2017 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3473ea200fa4b10c55a5761922e03b2e |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2017-05-19 10:24:21 |
Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e35f1b4288a16440c64b5565960f84fb |
2017-06-01 11:34:33 |
Corporate Governance Statement 2016 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f8cf7f09d57bf5a49829fabf51aa327f |
2017-06-08 09:24:23 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6f8247a60f3cad9c62e6311b8cf82eea |
2017-06-22 10:44:42 |
Exploration commences at Nerramyne |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6772a57531307054ed6e688e809b98cb |
2017-06-28 12:52:46 |
Director Appointment/Resignation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c14a06fe39f864b0735afffb7f83f06f |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2017-06-30 09:57:56 |
Final Directors Interest Notice Appendix 3Z |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3878a553523307b4b8018e05d0b1c17b |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
Final Director's Interest Notice
2017-06-30 10:00:59 |
Initial Directors Interest Notice Appendix 3X |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/23b84a7a85ff8f3425032a9efdc7a8e5 |
Section 205G Notice - Director's Interests
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2017-07-03 09:50:48 |
Appeddix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b9fefb45c707d5a853b741d40a2eb29d |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-07-19 12:05:02 |
Activity Report June Quarter 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cb128470bb332f0f2706cf8ffdd3358a |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2017-07-19 12:10:07 |
Appendix 5B June Quarter 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/37f468ca6af432d5524cdf2da1401625 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2017-08-10 12:29:28 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/93e0a1e60460f55644f0a9e5900cb6fd |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-08-17 14:01:58 |
Statutory Annual Report 2017 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/aac70cc74d2b5685f22c33c220e9f3a0 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2017-08-21 10:58:57 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/44f7b125806fbaddff45e6cb24a30e1d |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-08-23 11:54:53 |
Notice of Initial Substantial Holder |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e25cfca567fe6f8ee676363d5d659ef6 |
Becoming a substantial holder
2017-08-28 10:35:34 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/54fb814b1d4c06b263bfe967d2ec03f7 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-09-04 11:12:10 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ef68d36c52377fd3278f0a0559fcbca6 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-09-06 09:40:35 |
Boadicea Expands Fraser Range Footprint |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/330d3f566ee06b98e572ee9b2bcca185 |
2017-09-07 15:04:02 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/188f124adfa2c576edf3f55dc1051f78 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-09-08 14:45:41 |
Increased Funding For Fraser Range Projects. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6cf41e926c52d6967ac135fc6cc9543c |
Full Year Directors' Statement
2017-09-13 11:00:59 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6e6fa3b70619e2633c032b07c925f925 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-09-20 10:01:59 |
Large Lithium anomaly confirmed at Hyde Soak |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3e9dd866f5655a3639b949c16b6d2cf9 |
2017-10-06 14:23:20 |
Annual Report 2017 for Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c12b43b73190b03111178de01878acf5 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2017-10-06 15:11:07 |
Corporate Governance |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/14d954fee4b66ef33068304f863b7aa8 |
2017-10-06 15:11:09 |
Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1d284b05cfb07fe4d9ebdfac9573a961 |
2017-10-06 16:20:16 |
Notice of Meeting/Proxy 2017. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/65c4f12d8888d31a631cef4748cca2b0 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
2017-10-06 16:22:17 |
Notice of Meeting/Proxy 2017. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cb8fa69ac83e69cd349d0cd52d592676 |
Notice of General Meeting
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2017-10-17 09:55:53 |
Activity Report - September Quarter 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5843f925a1af2bc5a25fb10938a38921 |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2017-10-17 10:28:25 |
Appendix 5B - September Quarter 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fc5acf67047c627cfbca3d870e4ca3ff |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2017-10-20 10:36:35 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d1358766eaf7270a07565e8e40d8fe39 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-11-10 09:36:34 |
AGM Presentation 2017 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/09cc6764f16b927c4168517f80819863 |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2017-11-10 15:51:49 |
Results of 2017 AGM. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6048c9edeb946d348af1fdf0bd54ccdd |
2017-11-21 09:40:36 |
New Lithium Pegmatite Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f5b37cdea175814b361129a07e5d2aa1 |
2017-11-28 10:05:00 |
Paraburdoo Gold Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a6a15d4db0cbf54bddc04b8b37c0d0d9 |
2017-12-06 13:00:59 |
Appendix 3Y |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b68b8c1fa7dd8aab5c2860d2218f47da |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2017-12-12 09:19:15 |
Fraser Range EM Survey has commenced |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5a1b8ba5806a316ef8e07bbfbd8e30b8 |
2017-12-14 15:50:49 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6d9cdaf16a7a8baf2a81db345e33650a |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-01-11 11:41:34 |
Horseshoe Lithium encouraging results. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b768406a9b67f4efe5c429f54c1d0ee2 |
2018-01-15 09:57:53 |
Quarterly Report December 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f565dc133bc50cfb2f44c60f4b6b561a |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2018-01-15 09:58:55 |
Appendix 5B December Quarter 2017 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7e5b0bd082764554ac4218afe592ea82 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2018-01-18 09:05:03 |
New Wildara Lithium Pegmatite Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/44ee6198ed37ac5d22894af60f2b6696 |
2018-01-24 09:41:34 |
Wildara Project Expansion |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4c290ee29bc379b64910132a69a7bb6a |
2018-01-31 09:53:43 |
Ground EM defines significant conductors in Fraser Range. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/44ca0b4fe4535547379e3e248a6568fb |
2018-02-15 16:01:58 |
Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2017 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/497c574ca09cae768c941e3c50b3c095 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2018-02-20 11:07:06 |
Investor Presentation Feb 2018 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1bc80daf890e58b1420ecb2f880d3c5d |
2018-02-20 15:28:24 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5edb6c990b4ed1e33b9549f86568334d |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-02-22 17:00:56 |
Amended Investor Presentation. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9aa67df3822136aff20c2a23886a1ef3 |
2018-03-06 09:53:48 |
Follow-up EM Survey Commenced at Bell Ringer |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d4b4b0012d1d592533532d5ef649d893 |
2018-03-07 10:46:45 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4aa38cb7045e30f5714da7d96e812f62 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-03-07 16:14:12 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7823fd3bf10afc6f154395511b4df5a9 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-03-08 16:47:46 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1ba9e8c4ea00b440de502fbe7120813b |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-03-22 09:44:43 |
Follow-up MLEM Survey confirms conductors now drill ready |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f8049fd985dfce5cac5bc373d8533f54 |
2018-04-10 09:30:27 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/075954ebbe927f8ac8e0fbb765bd3125 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2018-04-12 10:05:57 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f6245fdf9ebc6105fc568c05d5d369c6 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report - Other
2018-04-13 15:14:12 |
Share Placement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fe01c8b9c9fc012508aec0d086f49291 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report - Other
2018-04-13 15:21:20 |
Section 708 Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a8e938bea47451221ee00ef13db8eb58 |
ASX BookBuild - Upcoming/Commenced
2018-04-16 10:29:28 |
Amended Appendix 3B |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f33dca22523e8ab0ed8f8e5e0d81a64f |
2018-04-17 10:08:05 |
Share Purchase Plan |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/634632424b244ba5f9922888d81b826b |
2018-04-17 10:09:06 |
SPP Application Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3aaefbb2d7c2ee62f5a2310ceb7c2d10 |
2018-04-19 09:54:51 |
Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0b00f38001f64da6df365498a924297f |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2018-04-19 09:58:55 |
Appendix 5B March 2018 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/00b8aeabaaf328a179cfbe1ca24d71fa |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2018-04-24 09:30:27 |
Drilling to commence during week of 30 April |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f78f6c0f5b23febd0ffd06ff8a2e0ea8 |
2018-05-02 09:40:36 |
Fraser Range Drilling Has Commenced |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e1d9aea545fe7fe6e40fa078d3908434 |
2018-05-07 11:53:51 |
2018 Share Purchase Plan Results |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ee7b068522ba6b59aaf40e2e5896e1f4 |
2018-05-07 14:10:09 |
Appendix 3B SPP Shares Issued |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/873248299be8afab35fe1d9ebd6f626d |
2018-05-08 09:42:40 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2b32e24f9e9b6f273b073fb3019f8b10 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-05-08 09:42:42 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/60b649ef2878f9c19c6c2de6b1b22aa3 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-05-08 09:44:43 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c2b20c6e6e58f20fb086fad7992e6eb2 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-05-08 13:43:41 |
Form 604 - Substantial Shareholder Change |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/047852bd0e54024f5785ae5ba868bc1f |
Becoming a substantial holder
Change in substantial holding
2018-05-09 11:45:44 |
2018 Share Purchase Plan Shortfall |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3887c2fa5096a4f1a201f0197eec23d3 |
2018-05-10 15:50:47 |
Appendix 3B SPP Shortfall Shares Issued. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/01862038905a9696597326392c52a070 |
2018-05-21 09:00:59 |
Fraser Range Drilling Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/60e7597ea2f0111b61a5207001b1c37f |
2018-05-22 09:45:44 |
Amended Fraser Range Drilling Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/88931266eaec80b990ba7d1ae2b065d9 |
2018-05-29 11:28:25 |
Exploration Portfolio Advancement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2de0390ab1cff48176fc711b277657ed |
2018-07-17 10:03:59 |
Symons Hill Project - Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/025f879f29ffaf1a9f66b0b00a6e9d77 |
2018-07-24 09:45:42 |
Appendix 5B June 2018 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/737b15053398bb826c851e47c23a2b85 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2018-07-24 09:46:44 |
Activity Report June Quarter 2018 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/37c93ac6ac14eb2b3867a72dee8108b5 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2018-08-16 16:43:39 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9e687b6a63b7b6dad58a3634c9c18800 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-08-20 16:40:38 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bba0faf242f630deddec1897963801f1 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-08-21 09:21:14 |
Fraser Range Licence Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/981762775c49801ee9cca811cabf79e0 |
2018-08-27 11:42:33 |
Statutory Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/655e455925d5f2fd26f69ef5c782fa5a |
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2018-09-20 15:00:57 |
Corporate Governance Plan 2018 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/81b8187b6e6ea4ddaa332dab99a09c21 |
2018-09-20 15:02:00 |
Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ceb3e835dd955f51148623918a01518d |
2018-10-05 14:50:47 |
Annual Report 2018 to Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fc72a8dd6854a24159a8db0752837693 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2018-10-05 15:07:05 |
AGM 2018 Notice/Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d9f6ef4a11c6f79037bcf72deaf94ab |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2018-10-11 09:50:48 |
Fraser Range Acquisition |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bf382dfb31d0c42752b995dfc3440d66 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2018-10-17 09:47:44 |
Quarterly Report September 2018 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5e4ad5f88696eefc1aeb877098249fc0 |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2018-10-17 10:31:29 |
Appendix 5B September Quarter 2018 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ae66197e87802f0e73fe5f9aee5d2916 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2018-11-07 14:54:45 |
Change Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3e0ade1674403348ff10ebc5df055050 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-11-09 10:13:11 |
AGM 2018 Presentation. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1bc488e8cbcd7148bf5b539b5a2707b4 |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2018-11-09 16:41:39 |
Results of 2018 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/778f7ffe3f60046185f738a5181b8906 |
2018-12-04 09:35:32 |
Increasing Fraser Range Exposure |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fe9cf3ba7b386cb2705c9ac8130c730a |
2018-12-05 14:55:53 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/71cff5091de3eefd26b0f61414ce77d9 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-12-07 15:13:11 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/65e38ca3f01d4690c58872ab5169f2f9 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-12-11 12:18:16 |
Results of Mining Warden Ballots |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8e41543bdfb78142fb4016ceac8de6c9 |
2018-12-11 15:51:50 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/237a1b2f1d8fc9a5f18667270daecb68 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2018-12-13 09:46:44 |
Ballot Licence Locations |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f21f9b858797134e60377d5b8cd64a4e |
2019-01-14 10:42:40 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/88e95bc0e9a1209ec97e9d36c2711c05 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-01-16 10:08:07 |
Quarterly Report - December 2018 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8542958e4aca23ad3e012aa3cd335960 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2019-01-16 16:11:09 |
Appendix 5B - December 2018 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b85c094b803f2a7ddf7fdc192ae48f5e |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2019-01-29 11:32:31 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c611369e750c54a5a55cf64f3315740f |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-02-06 09:38:36 |
Half Year Financial Report - December 2018 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9524ec366f8531a0f31c71cc628c3c6d |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2019-02-27 09:05:01 |
Significant EM results at Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ebfcda1103f0aba0f4560d419e4708ae |
2019-03-08 13:48:46 |
Significant EM results at Symons Hill Amended |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cedfe8ec419456d240fc3716200c8b79 |
2019-03-21 09:02:59 |
Conductors defined for drilling |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e347efdd125d994639dde90a950114eb |
2019-04-02 10:14:12 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/066df0408255ab29920969d44bfb77d2 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-04-04 10:00:57 |
Fraser Range Presentation |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/eb421d3e523c22f497223302d8e3ae6c |
2019-04-08 09:53:51 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c15695f4dd39e9b59756ca8f8b496bb4 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-04-09 12:55:53 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/830a69872bfedc9f720e55094592cbc8 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-04-16 09:42:39 |
Change of Directors Interest. |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fb2064f8b06d05a04d9e1307f2fb0055 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-04-24 09:25:22 |
Appendix 3Y - Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e80b3e4f4020867db9d03a23bb735001 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-04-29 09:11:05 |
Activity Report March Quarter 2019 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e7ad9e5ff6bbf6d9c53398b1bee1ff8a |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2019-04-29 09:15:12 |
Appendix 5B March Quarter 2019. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4f841c3c279a5afec06064bb44c979d5 |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2019-05-03 11:05:02 |
Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a7a328fdbdc4d33c59279da095ce8df3 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-05-10 09:55:51 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3e2aa252bc97290579b17c4cb432d29e |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-05-13 09:07:04 |
Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fb6bbca9a013ae15d1f3e2f78fefd3a5 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-05-21 09:16:14 |
IGO drilling next to our Symons Hill licence |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cd47bb604e7a2779226e1877875ee01f |
2019-06-11 12:00:59 |
Appendix 3Y Change of Directors Interest |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ec98912d482c199b6af69bc2478c6dcf |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2019-07-16 09:31:30 |
Boadicea Advances on Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/42bb00087f3b77af42ce14fedbad87e0 |
2019-07-25 11:55:53 |
Activity Report June Quarter 2019. |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c04f58590a7adc95592336ffec1bce2c |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2019-07-25 11:56:54 |
Appendix 5B June Quarter 2019 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c1babb1192b688ac1a5cb1955a7d007e |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2019-07-31 13:01:59 |
Results of Mining Warden Ballots |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9f4ad616a03e470d2a76df2399e65869 |
2019-08-05 09:34:32 |
Fraser Range Ballot Licence Locations |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/02213318cadcc9555a3d7579c909efca |
2019-08-23 15:35:31 |
Statutory Annual Report 2019 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f8b9e65de17912fd9af7f08c37f70dc1 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2019-08-28 11:55:53 |
Results of Southern Hills Ballots |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8517922aac0b47f7eef740103bdfbbda |
Company Administration - Other
2019-09-02 09:53:50 |
Fraser Range Ballot Licence Locations |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3b556bdf73f6b2b7f6d5eb31fea2a078 |
2019-09-03 13:14:12 |
Appendix 4G Corporate Governance |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/05fd1421db0f02014c2f385241c9a9de |
2019-09-03 13:18:15 |
Corporate Governance Plan 2019 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/831a3d64398ec973e1ce482d55aca412 |
2019-09-04 16:44:39 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/786af68b1b5fd9d7603f35627b4f58c6 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2019-09-09 09:59:52 |
Capital Raising Share Placement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bca7370b869f50786b68ab83653b7884 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report - Other
2019-09-10 09:22:20 |
Appendix 3B - New Issue |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/62a55efaf7216b40dba8501ce5c854e6 |
2019-09-10 09:25:22 |
Section 708A(5)(e) Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/306fb4fc2683928cbbe0551256859d10 |
ASX BookBuild - Upcoming/Commenced
2019-10-03 11:53:50 |
Boadicea Annual Report 2019 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1382dfcdab4dfba85c516bfb101236d7 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2019-10-03 15:10:08 |
AGM 2019 Notice and Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fa62dd5add2d37d46e633fe8b7ebb242 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2019-10-10 14:46:41 |
Activity Report September Quarter 2019 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ec058c4295dc30066ccafea16c557ec2 |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2019-10-10 14:47:42 |
Appendix 5B September Quarter 2019 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3f2f52868393ea5a8fd0a3c492b6f4ea |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2019-11-06 09:40:38 |
Results of Transline West Ballots |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/00842af371044bbc4bde4e778130bb34 |
2019-11-08 10:32:26 |
Fraser Range Presentation for AGM |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/60b8a44ee3af3e6ee552e58a390660a6 |
2019-11-11 10:14:12 |
Results of 2019 Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2ed2b14b79ad46a5531f4e99670e822c |
2019-11-12 09:25:23 |
Transline West Ballot Licence Locations |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f1a0b3a73e780d460e8b28fc9dfd90bd |
2019-12-04 09:52:48 |
Results of South Plumridge Ballot |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/278b867149f4e7a0df8a8378d0d688e0 |
2019-12-05 09:50:45 |
South Plumridge Ballot Licence Location |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f064f1ea2f6c3a61bdbb73ebb39bdf72 |
2019-12-18 09:41:02 |
Fraser Range Tenure |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/815650848d25db4e6574e72683a14d61 |
2020-01-28 10:40:38 |
White Knight Licence Granted |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3354600a8cdf405368e2ffcdec86f9c4 |
2020-01-29 09:49:46 |
Appendix 5B December 2019 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/361c3bfa78cfa8a13b0901e1795483f3 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2020-01-29 09:50:48 |
Activity Report December 2019 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/070d5a6f6d770be7521bc1c105a40cc2 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2020-01-31 09:34:32 |
Transline Licences Granted |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9b05cd783b2be135aaf09cb870f23e74 |
2020-02-03 09:39:37 |
Results of Giles Ballot |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/660bdc0a76ae502418f41c7772fa3991 |
2020-02-04 09:16:14 |
Giles Ballot Licence Location |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/350549c3e0e73abde1cfad95748cc9d3 |
2020-02-13 10:25:23 |
Southern Hills Tenement Granted |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/682970567ac6bf82ed77a8aacb6e7fdb |
2020-02-26 14:54:52 |
Half year Financial Report 31 December 2019 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/974a7655c8256e487ebc152708c624f8 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2020-02-27 09:54:41 |
Giles South Ballot Win |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5349edc80113ec180655bda51f265de7 |
2020-04-20 15:24:22 |
Appendix 5B March 2020 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2a2e90ac7eb8f5d031fae0f4f3bbb432 |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2020-04-20 15:25:24 |
Activity Report March 2020 Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4508d672698061f78aa06a651912aecd |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2020-04-20 15:28:26 |
Director Appointment/Resignation |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/848157d5fe97d817fb0fe31c3f2b0783 |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2020-04-22 14:11:09 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f23bfaf6846367a95f55c96f75e03d3b |
Section 205G Notice - Director's Interests
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2020-04-22 14:12:11 |
Final Director's Interest Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6ac91b6e5b0b5748abf194ef70bfc420 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
Final Director's Interest Notice
2020-05-11 15:30:28 |
Granting of Transline Tenements |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/62ae2734cfa66f52fd54309cb7c294ba |
2020-06-23 09:32:28 |
Managing Director Appointment |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7e54acc991af592164247bf280ee9a6b |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2020-06-25 10:55:51 |
Paterson Province Acquisition Announcement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/57dbc12d2adf5a8d7bdac6afef1b69f6 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2020-06-25 13:38:36 |
Managing Director Remuneration |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8a758632995b2cd674bb36b05bfca380 |
Company Administration - Other
2020-07-01 09:30:26 |
Boadicea Loan Agreement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/73f35400911e9d7ae4de2d107b1769b9 |
2020-07-23 12:49:46 |
Appendix 4G - Key to Disclosures |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bbbd109a3669843c944082308dab292f |
2020-07-23 12:55:51 |
Release of Corporate Governance 2020 / 2021 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/59fbd2a3c3bc8f26dce49e312fda38e6 |
Notice of call to shareholders
2020-07-23 12:56:53 |
Appendix 4G Information and the Corporate Governance Plan |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8330534fb0d40528239eb1195d71660a |
2020-07-24 12:32:30 |
Appendix 5B June Quarter |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ee6d8cdc9ac6b60df2fbd743a643bf0c |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2020-07-24 12:35:32 |
Activity Report June Quarter 2020 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/01d803bc0126c176324c694921631ea6 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2020-08-13 13:05:03 |
Plumridge Granting Announcement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b53a613464b9340915e8e4a64c36e93e |
2020-08-19 09:35:33 |
Loan Agreement Extension |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f8e1b3cdec1dc53fbeddd98a8045f3ac |
2020-08-25 14:10:09 |
Additional CoSec and New Website 25 Aug 2020 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d35b4165038ebf08fa0139d23d958919 |
Company Secretary Appointment/Resignation
2020-09-04 09:49:45 |
Conditional Asset Sale Agreement Executed with IGO Entity |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f881afd03000dad3029878b0586cf595 |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2020-09-04 09:54:12 |
IGO Enhances Fraser Range Holdings |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4f536f150e5c4bceeda284f8c66fe5d2 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2020-09-04 09:54:52 |
IGO Enhances Fraser Range Holdings |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4f536f150e5c4bceeda284f8c66fe5d2 |
2020-09-10 18:16:12 |
Proposed issue of Securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0029ef92d27858fb298b525df9dd8bb2 |
2020-09-11 13:53:51 |
BOA Corporate Presentation - Sept 2020 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e2ba2a3bf509c2f9f9875fc7fcf89473 |
2020-09-14 14:24:22 |
Notice of General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0b656e2c166b437ccf25717d0fef6dc5 |
Notice of General Meeting
2020-09-14 14:25:23 |
General Meeting - Sample Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bd3a741161c8f40926e6bce7ba71cc2d |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2020-09-14 14:28:26 |
General Meeting - Shareholder Cover Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0ea20600c5e98c24f32ba488943e2f1b |
Notice of call to shareholders
2020-09-15 14:48:44 |
Giles South Exploration Licence Granted |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c59ca09da1e01c9ba8ae1c104537ebde |
2020-09-21 16:02:00 |
Details of Company Address |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/db32fec66184d4366f8da7597fef69e7 |
Details of Company Address
2020-09-22 16:25:21 |
Boadicea - 2020 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/15e1f83a117fb1a4086fb3c393da6f85 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2020-09-24 14:10:08 |
Becoming a substantial holder |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/70ac38cb22cd25f0dd0bf70f441a54be |
Becoming a substantial holder
2020-10-06 10:55:51 |
Finance Director Retirement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0b5a97c68de442ef647b9812bad29dcb |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
Company Secretary Appointment/Resignation
2020-10-07 14:38:37 |
Dividend/Distribution - BOA |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e7bfc1fa61632464a7519a59fce7a36d |
Admission to Official List
Commencement of Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
2020-10-12 14:47:42 |
Exploration to Commence at Koongulla |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/de0765e657f05950a84899cbd4241b0f |
2020-10-13 09:15:10 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6e470f0e1ff1e94c24f76ca894e32f53 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2020-10-14 10:32:25 |
Boadicea - General Meeting Slides - 14 October 2020 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a039ccc3bd4cfa7d824a34c1c523a72f |
2020-10-14 12:09:57 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2f56eb7542facf5b7307e9c43e450822 |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2020-10-14 12:10:07 |
Update - Dividend/Distribution - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c2053a6de963c159d1b88af38efedece |
Admission to Official List
Commencement of Official Quotation
Stock Exchange Announcement - Other
2020-10-22 10:30:28 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/eb725a1b2024b5f596a59537f00fe88b |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2020-10-22 10:31:29 |
Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2697dc0e10e864451fac8eb823aed6fc |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2020-10-23 10:51:42 |
Boadicea Receives Funds from IGO |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3a3a1da86347139d3cab57b9b128cbf9 |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2020-10-23 10:52:44 |
Update - Proposed issue of Securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4aa310d0d922ca0644e58fa3a4319dd0 |
2020-10-23 12:07:04 |
Appendix 2A |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/664fbcdd88396966858190d18eb9a7cf |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2020-10-23 17:59:53 |
Notice of initial substantial holder from IGO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/541c10f910d4b7e910dd53a28b98021f |
Becoming a substantial holder
2020-10-27 15:13:10 |
Boadicea submits Koongulla North application |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2d6daa9a9d5e1b14b5454858c08f228c |
2020-11-12 10:20:18 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3524a8da766ab31454f9565a5794b84b |
Company Administration - Other
2020-11-17 15:01:59 |
Notice of Meeting - 2020 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d6f7cddef5ea64916bb1afb8f17d97a1 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
2020-11-17 15:05:03 |
2020 AGM - Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a13ceb2f84baa02aa96d87fafe4f53f0 |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2020-11-17 15:06:04 |
2020 AGM - Cover Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1857386feb015cb09e92f41fe6affd47 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2020-11-18 09:59:53 |
IGO Commences Exploration Activities on BOA's Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3104562fc67c57575dff9b0a974bd97f |
2020-11-19 16:26:24 |
Ceasing to be a substantial holder |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/da2da923b7eda97cc51e1b2d7360cdc4 |
Change in substantial holding
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
2020-11-27 09:44:39 |
Boadicea Expands Exploration into Ravenswood gold district |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d2c0705e3d404c9c6a4e714563797225 |
2020-12-03 15:12:10 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/eec30c6b82e5305e55ec6ad0a50375f1 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2020-12-10 14:18:16 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e39f364afea5fe45edfa65fe1938c4e2 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2020-12-14 11:53:51 |
Becoming a substantial holder - Ganas |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e278237a81b42309dfb0c865d3090d0e |
Becoming a substantial holder
2020-12-16 10:56:53 |
Boadicea 2020 AGM Slides |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9bbc7bcf9bd7d475571d646056fc91fd |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2020-12-16 10:57:54 |
MD Presentation - 2020 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bdd96badbd3a03fc9b41d20555e99d58 |
2020-12-16 13:25:22 |
Results of 2020 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/60de0aa12050dadd5cbb7d4ea6eeb735 |
2020-12-21 17:14:11 |
BOA Fraser South Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a0cf8dc7b72d53270ba3532ddf802292 |
2020-12-22 11:41:39 |
Appendix 2A - 22 Dec 2020 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/97a0381ebca49598861279246c9948f6 |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2020-12-22 11:41:40 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8f3cab94d3dc97905e1ff8e2bf044d6e |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2020-12-22 11:43:41 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic De Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e6cb60165b78b5dfeb2f176d20186841 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2020-12-22 11:45:43 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/921a2ec0409ffc9d684650f6e04af47b |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2020-12-23 15:48:45 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6710d4ad7f12e71ac19051a9ed504dbb |
2021-01-11 11:36:33 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fc7e112657e1a25f6e5da56f49941abf |
2021-01-21 14:20:20 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3ff70658cd8c98f3cce979d35af43b16 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-01-27 16:52:50 |
BOA - Dec 2020 Quarterly Cashflow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/08d3ba92d1a4d1ec9a7a14e925900711 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-01-27 16:59:52 |
BOA - Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e338fbb91d5d3c141b4b228f11cbcb48 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2021-02-03 14:44:37 |
Orion Extension Prospectivity and Symons Hill |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a4256e250cba5a3cbaad0d3113c90fc8 |
2021-02-12 13:36:34 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/81d3ea67e88787bf82829f86c2c4d804 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-02-19 10:12:11 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b0fa5de1dc8d202a7557cb1a485746b8 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-02-23 09:34:30 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1dd6500b62b119881e37057db5da9e24 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-02-25 10:33:31 |
Clarke Reward Gold Project Drummond Basin North Qld |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/60f636b242fa30228b5f8d264515a18b |
2021-03-05 12:57:55 |
Half Yearly Report and Accounts |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ea7c0160fc7512b510d29b26e75c21b8 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2021-03-12 12:33:31 |
Koongulla Project - Interpreted Dome Structure Identified |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f31d2cb36a16fd5d82aa31de0c175263 |
2021-03-25 12:31:28 |
Boadicea Corporate Presentation March 2021 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a8de5f5c88e340179f87cf0f91fe17b6 |
2021-03-30 12:59:57 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic de Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2eacb38f594d064dc540676d2344ff84 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-04-14 09:35:32 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9775fe386b55c2fce96383b43f361f9f |
2021-04-15 09:51:50 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/183a83f7d7963dd0d6241ffd8dabd72e |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-04-15 10:09:07 |
Updated Company Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/63ff0460ad1bedadf417c4138ac886fd |
2021-04-27 10:45:43 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9054a4ab3e578c33f96f909668c9eb7d |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-04-27 11:42:40 |
Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/913e09fe9f59b964cdc9ed64afad87c7 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2021-05-04 12:19:16 |
Appointment of Graeme Purcell as a Non-Executive Director |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9a76bc110a99016fae0556b780ddb443 |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2021-05-04 12:19:17 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice - Graeme Purcell |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d5c60d5de76b174a94209f9cc4afaec |
Section 205G Notice - Director's Interests
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2021-05-07 11:08:06 |
Change of Share Registry Provider |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0c8e11cb8b628353129757f717d5eb66 |
Details of Share Registry address
2021-05-17 09:24:21 |
Trading Halt |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b25c4fafe43da3e97a4296166e19da3b |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2021-05-18 10:21:57 |
Renounceable Rights Issue to Raise $2.98m |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/33523287012f8c655a62bae30e8db2b6 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
Company Administration - Other
2021-05-18 10:22:47 |
Prospectus - Renounceable Issue |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/189dfe1d97acd9fb4e429fca96400af5 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
New Issue Letter of Offer & Acc. Form
2021-05-18 10:22:51 |
Proposed issue of Securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7b3ac789f5e999ae0e1bb98b51b910d8 |
2021-05-18 10:22:55 |
Proposed issue of Securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f18060fc1a3c752a2a49797132176fb1 |
2021-05-20 09:47:29 |
Commencement of Rights Trading |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a726d97720294f9b4f0535424e83ce94 |
Company Administration - Other
Notice of call to shareholders
2021-05-26 09:51:50 |
Dispatch of Rights Issue Offer Documents |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/77b4d019a00fe8ed3a77037f107ef824 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
Company Administration - Other
2021-06-08 13:25:23 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5066a3a40a0772fc05dbad341f4c06c1 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-06-09 10:07:03 |
BOA Fraser Range Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5119c2564a865e5818e5df4a6542f0fe |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-06-15 14:20:17 |
Renounceable Issue Closes Oversubscribed |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/993bd32b7b2abfc3d3b8f3965f0d85e5 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-06-15 14:53:51 |
Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6cf856edc7197f5f6719f6273f312c2e |
2021-06-21 13:52:50 |
Appendix 2A - Rights Issue |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8e6af70f15da1be90fd2eef08fa62c04 |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2021-06-21 18:02:56 |
Renounceable Issue - Amendment to ASX Quotation Date |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7142979d576700772d36f24ed08cfd3d |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
Notice of call to shareholders
2021-06-22 11:16:14 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic de Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7f5c0809bd9c34ac0b296a302864f85c |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-06-22 11:17:15 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jon Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3b817337af72f4b6c2787ca05acc7c89 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-06-22 11:18:16 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2b5adb52455ebd36efa7a22db02650b4 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-06-22 11:47:44 |
Appendix 2A - Rights Issue Shortfall and Placement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/93f9992122e4209317d3186d2e109b29 |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2021-06-22 13:48:46 |
Placement - Cleansing Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ed5fed1a6e5a69af10055718f5eba7da |
ASX BookBuild - Upcoming/Commenced
2021-06-23 12:47:45 |
Change in substantial holding from IGO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2aabb0cc4d0b3849fb8ee03f0b613a83 |
Becoming a substantial holder
Change in substantial holding
2021-06-24 10:58:56 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5127d78316c84836afef443e22f650ec |
2021-07-02 08:57:55 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a75bf349b7714d77246e77bcdd4d2db3 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-07-13 09:38:35 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/07c51495f8117978a81fff1f3b26cb37 |
2021-07-19 09:59:58 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3680c8be288d16ea08344f011bf4a125 |
2021-07-26 13:42:40 |
Boadicea granted Clarke Reward licence |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1900c3724fd4820892a6be8de8781c20 |
2021-07-27 10:08:06 |
BOA - Jun21 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7851af6f895b0cab2b20030e42d29381 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2021-07-27 10:10:08 |
BOA - Jun21 - Appendix 5B Quarterly Cash Flow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/18887a961272213be27fd413cfc436b2 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-07-28 09:53:48 |
Updated Company Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a16a4686b49e66f113b0ba7d299fdc11 |
2021-08-19 09:29:24 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/19609fa8732026824ba6a9723f8cec28 |
2021-08-20 12:34:29 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d9544533bdbecc26b6e51fe48492dfd4 |
2021-08-26 10:08:03 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5dc7427dd3ce2b0abac55c312982ef3e |
2021-09-17 17:29:27 |
Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a613282753c96bbf099cb809290608b7 |
2021-09-17 17:34:30 |
2021 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7b37b042850fcbc783e80a2a11d95f50 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2021-09-30 08:42:40 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic de Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7e8c6070b427eb9d7141fa37a3244f4a |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-10-08 10:04:03 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/deefc463511b7e1108ef3b877e517715 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-10-12 10:49:47 |
2021 AGM - Notice of Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0f5d0ed7f43d114dbfecfdd5f0b91e49 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
2021-10-12 10:50:48 |
2021 AGM - Sample Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a123ec207c1bbbb86a18b1a95ae7da44 |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2021-10-12 10:52:49 |
2021 AGM - Access Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b5f953c3ce8b184aad4cccc67601bebf |
Notice of Meeting - Other
Notice of call to shareholders
2021-10-12 10:54:52 |
2021 Remuneration Review |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fc620ffc06a4c3177794ca16cec2ac9e |
Full Year Directors' Statement
Company Administration - Other
2021-10-14 13:01:58 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5827d7a64eae16320d77929ea60c5cce |
2021-10-25 09:52:50 |
Sep 2021 - Appendix 5B - Quarterly Cash Flow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e88293afaa64c60048509312c0a80663 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2021-10-25 09:54:52 |
Sep 2021 - Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a26e4264701dcd737dac0d03c5533c7c |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2021-11-10 11:35:31 |
Hanns Gully Lithium Tenement Application |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b47414afffb254582dc049339ec087d6 |
2021-11-12 10:23:20 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5b72d726ee179c483366420ea21b2508 |
2021-11-12 11:09:07 |
2021 AGM - Formal Business Slides |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/efe252d0f701a3ae357d5257d2d536b8 |
2021-11-12 11:09:48 |
2021 AGM - Managing Director Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0c0832af0296971f54686382c372cfce |
2021-11-12 12:50:47 |
Results of 2021 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/95b9e8a99f65e00a9d9e1391c2b3d0d3 |
2021-11-19 15:32:29 |
Issue of Unlisted Options under the Incentive Awards Plan |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b61e5279f451b2adeb7261a730e949ce |
2021-11-19 15:37:35 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jonathan Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e8a8d3329261118a769eb2a183852b9f |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-11-19 15:48:34 |
Appendix 3G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/db1c41564630faab6ee1435fc8e489c4 |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2021-11-19 15:51:39 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3305f9954ba4af47d72a719e5008b4e4 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2021-12-02 09:39:35 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/45fc3fb7b263c75c8e86cb72d3de6ae9 |
2022-01-11 15:29:27 |
Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder - Ulysses Ganas |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6767537c3593f0a9d030287298c7cc93 |
Change in substantial holding
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
2022-01-13 09:43:41 |
Fraser Range Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fc2ae280d29630a8a19cbc1b1cc5b7e4 |
2022-01-25 09:53:51 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bf34777b9eeadee8bc748d77d219ace0 |
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Director Appointment/Resignation
2022-01-27 14:09:04 |
Dec21 Quarterly Activities Statement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/096a7255fd26796858038941a7ac5553 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2022-01-27 14:10:04 |
Dec21 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f21bc7777db94ee247d67324d7c22a50 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2022-02-17 09:34:29 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic De Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f835e25c654b1bf153366da3171cc203 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2022-02-24 10:21:20 |
Notification of cessation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/27f5350e23d45da8d2b78219436c6c75 |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2022-02-24 10:48:44 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cdadb9fa56578616842017fe2289ce81 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2022-02-24 10:49:48 |
Final Director's Interest Notice - Steven Moon |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2effc3b6ef04ab02c31e94ad20a54673 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
Final Director's Interest Notice
2022-03-04 15:33:27 |
BOA Financial Accounts for the HY ended 31 Dec 2021 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8c756715d18a0bbac7f191432313f7e1 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2022-03-11 09:55:54 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jon Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/007f6adeb0ab578ad6d0b22475d86f14 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2022-03-24 09:51:49 |
Bald Hill East Exploration Update |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9ad2959c7ac35a1ee0621e3e94d80ca7 |
2022-04-11 09:52:48 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0415b0adc37fd1ad49a3c01a06ec2e24 |
2022-04-26 10:29:27 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d3cee5d4fb22fba8a4eb2dedd0850a26 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
Sustainability/Climate Action Report
2022-04-26 10:29:28 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/55af409fcc6a87e5975bba0ceaf0b5d2 |
Quarterly Activities Report - Other
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2022-05-23 09:49:47 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d65b89a1895a0cba12ce69827b02a6a |
2022-05-30 10:19:17 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1659fe4a9b647213d57e3ce50c0d6ec3 |
2022-06-20 09:51:49 |
Boadicea confirms lithium anomalies at Bald Hill East |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cc9103953469cec9bd6d4fe8ce428505 |
2022-06-29 09:55:53 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jon Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/65ca6a107da1016d444d95219f8732e6 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2022-07-04 09:52:39 |
Sulphide EM Targets Identified in Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1971a6be68f932792275e362530898b1 |
2022-07-28 11:23:20 |
Jun22 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/87a35e04fb2708c6ed88a1872fe49129 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2022-07-28 11:26:22 |
Jun22 Appendix 5B Quarterly Cash Flow Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/169e88d7e7701a0df5ff878cd719fa61 |
Quarterly Cash Flow Report
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2022-07-29 14:45:43 |
Addendum to the June 2022 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6204f8b306bdf2bc1a2ce4d3d6b84e31 |
Quarterly Activities Report
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2022-09-01 12:34:32 |
Boadicea commences farm-in over Rare Earth Element Target |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3c6db33fa2f92f905f763acd7bf288dd |
2022-09-08 09:45:43 |
Drilling commences at Bald Hill East lithium project |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0304005ef40d4c9da5e422345261c99c |
2022-09-26 14:15:47 |
2022 Corporate Governance Statement - Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fa6f7bd25e8547d031bc56ae5defe916 |
2022-09-26 14:24:13 |
2022 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/518ba3e9b86a526af614ed711b6d788c |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
Full Year Directors' Report
2022-09-27 11:01:00 |
Exploration Update |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f3ed575df4c909600e39cedf212603ac |
2022-10-17 09:45:29 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5201c266116c1bc45d7dbd750700ea58 |
2022-10-18 13:54:47 |
2022 Remuneration Review |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bf19f19ed68baacb89c4119004ad68cd |
Company Administration - Other
2022-10-27 10:53:51 |
Sep22 - Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a54fafe327475e6552761b981cd08495 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2022-10-27 10:54:53 |
Sep22 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9945c50750d30588c8aca872d744b0cb |
First Quarter Activities Report
Notification of Results/Reporting Date
2022-10-28 08:38:36 |
2022 AGM - Access Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0a3d5a3f38240f751d29ba3ae84d08aa |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2022-10-28 08:41:38 |
2022 AGM - Sample Proxy Form |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/735af97bdbfb6555b9478bd085b4fc84 |
Appendix 3H (Notification of cessation of securities)
2022-10-28 08:41:38 |
2022 AGM - Notice of Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e301c8571afa02b1e3833fcaea434c98 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Equal Access Scheme Buy-Back
2022-11-01 09:32:31 |
Notification regarding unquoted securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d9d055645e9660bf7e0a28cae9cda93a |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2022-11-04 11:27:25 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic De Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/21b7797ac1c32dc2f2a1857511cebeb1 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2022-11-24 09:31:25 |
BOA expands lithium-nickel portfolio with ballot win |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bbe68fd1de9234a8f19d4f5ab7dfaa7c |
2022-11-28 11:10:07 |
2022 AGM Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/cee3e6ef33f26aed74d6b742fecebd17 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2022-11-28 13:58:51 |
Results of 2022 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/880f954438b9f40ca2234c4ce8145ec6 |
2022-12-13 10:07:03 |
Hanns Gully Lithium Licence Granted |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1db5adff941aa1074ffd20d228991aa7 |
2022-12-13 11:03:01 |
Drilling commences at Kookaburra Well REE project |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0973a69725f23f8f309a5957660466d1 |
2023-01-11 10:06:01 |
Air core drilling identifies new nickel target Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3afc373f832740a65ee6a915d33ee491 |
2023-01-27 13:21:18 |
Dec-22 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d6667d45c9393da42e4c34d71acf1c35 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
2023-01-27 13:24:22 |
Dec-22 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a1ff7ace8f154228d89b96307621b5ae |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2023-01-31 13:49:47 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/470085b3b29298e93d50a99a0397e603 |
Company Administration - Other
2023-02-16 09:54:50 |
Exclusivity Option to Acquire Lithium Project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d6529bd684f682c437d02dc1ddd6eb27 |
2023-02-21 14:32:29 |
Acquisition of advanced Cat Camp lithium project |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c329c2ac4c608ead528b03f154b916de |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-02-21 14:33:31 |
Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f25c04528f66409295541e354350ff56 |
2023-02-23 15:58:57 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a936217d3454562ad62af2385ba94310 |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-02-24 11:01:00 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a0adec78529ad9f8321b7bbbbc275f3b |
ASX BookBuild - Close/Cancel
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-02-27 14:17:12 |
Tenements added to intensify EV metal exploration |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6746e96620c722e5f41c01c1e590ea1b |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-03-03 13:26:22 |
31 December 2022 Half Year Accounts |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f7cd5635925236bc5343dea0eac3b6e6 |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2023-03-28 10:24:18 |
Two Tanks lithium acquisition completed, drill ready targets |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7a41e58f24b1f6f0d947403def845822 |
2023-03-28 10:27:27 |
Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4352aa94469ecea4b7da25fed1cd550d |
2023-03-31 14:04:04 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9964a7038cccdd983c18b96d027c6b56 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-03-31 14:07:05 |
Cleansing Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/739314bbf38ae46998b447f4286cce94 |
2023-04-20 11:15:13 |
Hanns Gully lithium earn-in agreement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ecf06e36f954244a86ee094b3974c4f3 |
2023-04-27 10:16:14 |
Quarterly Activities Report - Mar23 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8c23d3aac19c196553da864dc6d9457a |
Third Quarter Activities Report
2023-04-27 10:16:15 |
Appendix 5B - Mar23 |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ba641c17c9c8b642b2caa79469e37ab5 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2023-05-22 10:57:55 |
Lithium exploration activities ramps up |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0cd8fb213ab7583dbc82fd6fc8cc73cf |
2023-06-09 09:58:55 |
Board refresh to drive next stage of growth |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1204c8816469179e9d220ea0aece1966 |
Director Appointment/Resignation
Chairman Appointment/Resignation
2023-06-09 10:13:12 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice - James Barrie |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/baaf7f33782f57ba124809c8006d7313 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2023-06-13 09:51:47 |
Renounceable Rights Offer to Advance Lithium Exploration |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9f8c2fe224ea028668fd4ac099db28c4 |
2023-06-13 09:52:49 |
Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/96a49324b64bea9786b044b75763e2de |
2023-06-13 09:52:51 |
Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1590e84ddeb4fe3f51d10e5a690a2d7c |
2023-06-14 14:16:11 |
Renounceable Issue - shareholder summary |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1911a15eea44c94ba590f39919233ba1 |
2023-06-15 09:44:42 |
Commencement of rights trading |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/376d509b4283b9cad391b6ddbb45e35c |
2023-06-21 10:59:57 |
Dispatch of rights offer documents |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6a5c9a5d7a183a0ca00a0c4025e1b359 |
Company Administration - Other
2023-06-21 11:21:17 |
Letter to ineligible shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c9cf65c9eeb4618409d99e4d0828385e |
2023-06-26 09:46:44 |
Pegmatites intersected at Two Tanks drilling |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ddb3a340775e892eda46e4ed70603413 |
2023-06-26 12:53:49 |
Shareholder Town Hall Webinar |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9d5d2821617aa9f99d35359527a8fc81 |
2023-06-29 11:27:24 |
Shareholder Town Hall presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bf7930109586045f30ceec8e829055cd |
2023-07-06 09:38:33 |
Successful completion of the Entitlement Offer |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3d4a6b4d0ecb808f927e942fbb85cec2 |
2023-07-07 10:31:26 |
Security Class Suspension from Quotation |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e178a3a7d08f1b2c0bedb101a0ecfff2 |
Suspension from Official Quotation
2023-07-07 14:47:45 |
Update to Rights Issue timetable |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e8ae2f92754de5f9b6f68ab447e84a5f |
2023-07-07 15:46:48 |
Update - Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/bfab3f51e0e4afc098c3b1dcfde2ff39 |
2023-07-07 15:46:50 |
Update - Proposed issue of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3d6fe4d41c5557609249d18310c8bf77 |
2023-07-10 10:58:56 |
Top 20 holders - BOAO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d4aa46f1d96cf97b267bd5b382745098 |
2023-07-10 11:02:57 |
Distribution schedule - BOAO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/89c345e5a873ad9d8232abc2f812b49c |
2023-07-10 11:10:04 |
Security Class Reinstatement to Quotation |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/560ce78861497b78c80afd4ac7ff0a8b |
Reinstatement to Official Quotation
2023-07-10 11:10:55 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2cf4816cf7756a137c7de92dbd6185f7 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-07-11 10:04:03 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e8d780d208900dbc30506f2bebee8493 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2023-07-12 10:40:37 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Graeme Purcell |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/37aef4ef4987c6483276a6c019a02fda |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-07-12 10:42:41 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - James Barrie |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/fd18862d387a6368f675dad7c218af78 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-07-12 10:43:42 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jon Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/650d4dadc30ece1d33ee24a89cd41a6f |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-07-12 10:50:49 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice - Domenic De Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/04b9532c977ce3ba05ed4923cd38b283 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-07-12 18:29:17 |
Change in substantial holding from IGO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e7d63e59dc230c0f64bde48f81dc3fa6 |
Change in substantial holding
2023-07-13 14:29:28 |
Amended Change of Director's Interest Notice - DE MARCO |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2082d18b3f95ae51606cba36aaecf011 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-07-28 14:38:34 |
Jun23 Quarterly Activities Statement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ac159a6e44dd3ca8475bed0fa8bad519 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2023-07-28 14:39:35 |
Jun23 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5389da7cfa6fab37f93b605dce3294a0 |
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2023-08-07 09:45:43 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/19abe8767ff35fbda718e5cfd3dbdf22 |
2023-08-11 12:16:13 |
Managing Director to retire |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e806bab178622d9f6862a962b0961f06 |
Director Appointment/Resignation
2023-08-31 12:13:11 |
Two Tanks update, drill program brought forward |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/14c7479e62a42831fbc6f293f5ce56a8 |
2023-09-11 11:25:23 |
Receipt of Notice under Section 249D of the Corporations Act |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a8bad4ecd50f742292d39c995f66dd8c |
Company Administration - Other
2023-09-11 16:32:23 |
Update to s249D Notice Received |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/975d181a444cd4d6104aa8fe9ad48cc4 |
Company Administration - Other
2023-09-13 17:47:38 |
Further Update to s249D Notice Received |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/08e725dd6ca112038733adc8073b71c3 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
Company Administration - Other
2023-09-28 09:45:43 |
Withdrawal of s249D Notice |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ba3a97b64691a41612b2c27c71e55531 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
Company Administration - Other
2023-09-28 16:47:43 |
2023 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0c946110cf710172cfade5d91cbacba1 |
Full Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Report
2023-09-28 16:48:46 |
2023 Corporate Governance Statement - Appendix 4G |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/acbc6aaad8da668e74f6a604e6109df2 |
2023-10-13 16:25:23 |
Date of 2023 AGM and Closing Date for Director Nominations |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/64d4ef616b7054d3472e566ef0b94fd3 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
Company Administration - Other
2023-10-16 12:16:14 |
BOA accelerates lithium exploration program on 3 tenements |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/64d3494ace8f2106ca46d703163d5b27 |
2023-10-18 09:44:39 |
Prospective news from IGO exploration activities |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/68249701015f210a9a9991a4d3e9039f |
2023-10-25 10:13:09 |
Correction - Prospective exploration activities |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/14443897a6284276671a545ec17e9145 |
2023-10-25 16:18:16 |
Sep23 Quarterly Activities Statement |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a2bb349bb266e89eddc410a122b264a2 |
First Quarter Activities Report
2023-10-25 16:18:17 |
Sep23 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/49a295b7f400bf66722567cf99462999 |
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2023-10-26 09:41:37 |
Boadicea refreshes board with new MD appointment |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/0b3b4bfe81eb6075e4c67d9947b33a64 |
Director Appointment/Resignation
2023-10-26 09:53:52 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice - Cath Norman |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/301f4506f6c0725801ff8c9db4300db9 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2023-10-27 13:12:11 |
2023 AGM - Notice of Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9de4a5fe52fde7a3e55b6b78cc1c22e8 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
2023-10-27 13:19:16 |
2023 AGM - Sample Proxy |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d96e4d22239044a616cdf841077b28e |
2023-10-27 13:19:17 |
2023 AGM - Access Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/133be4114ac355fb70f5377ff456d279 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
2023-10-30 15:23:20 |
New Board Acquire Shares On-Market |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f9ef31ccd709ad90b35f4dffd2043150 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2023-11-02 15:14:11 |
Director Retirements and Chair Appointment |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/a69278175ea0b1fb764d785e7eded603 |
Director Appointment/Resignation
Chairman Appointment/Resignation
2023-11-02 15:17:15 |
Final Director's Interest Notice - Domenic De Marco |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5f4cc1a8bd0c01f3db42d4c43a8cfe8d |
Final Director's Interest Notice
2023-11-02 15:17:16 |
Final Director's Interest Notice - Jon Reynolds |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c3a8bc262fb34c16c0014c1096c420db |
Final Director's Interest Notice
2023-11-13 12:48:46 |
Change of registered address and phone number |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/9dca5c42c5e24122e5260f66fca2ff4f |
Details of Registered office address
Company Administration - Other
2023-11-14 10:48:44 |
Chair letter to shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6cb45f2fbd8302dea493bd5e94fda48f |
2023-11-28 11:05:00 |
Sale of Boadicea Queensland Assets to Trigg Minerals |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/08ce8f09fecb0c7f56f9034b46a4e07d |
2023-11-28 14:00:59 |
AGM Slides - Formal Business |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f624b6fa69aabe3b6177dc153cdb8cb2 |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2023-11-28 14:02:59 |
2023 AGM - Managing Director Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d961572d8b84bccc113fc6c14992927e |
Chairman's Address to Shareholders
2023-11-28 17:01:59 |
2023 AGM Results |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3d345c6c17dafc16a2dfcd8a6f48fdf8 |
2023-11-30 15:46:45 |
Notification regarding unquoted securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/14757157268fb547d4584af2841642d3 |
Appendix 3G (Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
2023-12-04 09:43:41 |
Board Acquires Further Shares On-Market Post AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/02520f4de27a9da494091f34c5eb6992 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2024-01-16 11:31:28 |
Ngadju Agreement paves way for lithium and nickel drilling |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/80af6cc97636af8c51bc91f7699a31fb |
2024-01-22 16:35:33 |
Cath Norman - On Market Purchase of BOA shares |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/90cb8ec31c061eec88ad1560980c33f7 |
Change of Director's Interest Notice
2024-01-31 08:24:14 |
Trigg Progresses Acquisition of QLD Tenements |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/b3fc1ad6a45b4b6c7a89923f3ba1a192 |
2024-01-31 09:35:32 |
Update on Sale of BOA QLD tenements to Trigg Minerals |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/7014419ad6912a1799fd04ff2d9e775a |
2024-01-31 09:41:39 |
Positive drill results from Eggpie target in Fraser Range |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ba0acc44ae4a705c6c68f10cf16eb59d |
2024-01-31 14:00:57 |
Dec23 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/436a50edb4435115bf82af406bd21166 |
Second Quarter Activities Report
Second Quarter Cashflow Report
2024-02-28 12:05:04 |
BOA commences 2024 drilling campaign |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/8a3bcc726d236cf8904f09062c2b4daa |
2024-03-07 09:35:33 |
Completion of QLD asset sale |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/08671df0fd4987790e40cc11b32a8d21 |
2024-03-13 11:27:26 |
Change of Registered Office Address |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/937700e3d724b66ddf18241f012bf59e |
Details of Registered office address
2024-03-13 12:59:58 |
Application for quotation of securities - BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6ace2480e000a45bfc121aa380ac8e41 |
Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities
2024-03-15 16:26:24 |
Half Yearly Report and Accounts |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/5d8dd3c9d878c465bc075e18b669d0dc |
Half Year Directors' Statement
Half Year Directors' Report
2024-03-28 17:29:27 |
Becoming a substantial holder from BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2537c97f8f80894a1909f546473bc0c5 |
Becoming a substantial holder
2024-04-08 09:49:48 |
Letter to Shareholders |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/6523eb40bdf29dc6b9b155e20b6dde3a |
2024-04-09 10:25:23 |
Investor Presentation - April 2024 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f3360b3eed1ca3f1e72ea13bb80374f4 |
2024-04-24 10:42:40 |
Successful Completion of Two Tanks Drilling Campaign |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f37419c66cce8d94d271c3abf55168ba |
2024-04-26 10:45:43 |
Promising Ni-Cu-Co prospects within Fraser Range tenements |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2783dc7893b67a7f23884ce66750b4e9 |
2024-04-30 16:33:32 |
Mar24 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/30024f61deae456ba12ba65fc5514ac6 |
Third Quarter Activities Report
2024-04-30 16:34:33 |
Mar24 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4d6e21e5bd2823a5fdffc3cd1728e918 |
Third Quarter Cashflow Report
2024-05-08 09:40:35 |
RIU Conference Presentation - 8 May 2024 |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c65fef968b8b61eac0594a823e145744 |
2024-06-26 09:11:07 |
BOA sells $306k stake in Trigg Minerals |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1310d41ad9c6f539430cc74c3e5e9e03 |
2024-06-26 09:34:32 |
Ceasing to be a substantial holder from BOA |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/2e404f53ec17b4380db956dd26331efc |
Ceasing to be a substantial holder
2024-06-26 10:05:03 |
BOA uncovers Two Tanks lithium potential |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/46024e57c7372ada94e464b4eb5d6e14 |
2024-07-17 10:34:32 |
Noosa Mining Conference Presentation |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/3587acc9cef330def60bf58a7e60c68e |
2024-07-31 15:17:16 |
Jun24 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/e7ac850c6974c02ef0dbe3e89344ffdd |
Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report
2024-07-31 15:19:16 |
Jun24 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/92f94d5685bbb91f4dc04a6de95acc85 |
Fourth Quarter Activities Report
2024-09-26 18:30:22 |
2024 Annual Report |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ebbe0055d3c71d4cfa5d630558dfab45 |
Full Year Directors' Statement
Full Year Directors' Report
2024-09-26 18:30:27 |
2024 Corporate Governance Statement |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/32defc425fe933f2f2b1becf99bdaf37 |
2024-10-29 17:56:54 |
Mark Tomlinson appointed as an Independent Non-Exec Director |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/454d732e13cec5dcbaf8a44a45d8668a |
Director Appointment/Resignation
2024-10-29 17:59:56 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice - Mark Tomlinson |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/52c6d9b46644a1f5f55e7fbc7308b9b1 |
Initial Director's Interest Notice
2024-10-29 18:01:57 |
Notice of Annual General Meeting |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/22eae84990a254ca4ff903d86b07717e |
Notice of Annual General Meeting
2024-10-29 18:02:58 |
2024 AGM - Access Letter |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/ec0843801570bae708b92fdd121cced5 |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2024-10-29 18:02:59 |
2024 AGM - Sample Proxy From |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/d3941120c44c507eea8f3c25285d0d60 |
2024-10-30 10:48:46 |
Sep24 Quarterly Activities Report |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/056100b351a6911258a8c58023e4329e |
First Quarter Activities Report
2024-10-30 10:48:47 |
Sep24 Appendix 5B |
1 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/78e7addc60caab5da53c8477bc9c0f62 |
First Quarter Cashflow Report
2024-11-25 10:03:01 |
Chair Letter - 2024 AGM |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/f13487c633b18d14827a1fe5abb62eaa |
Notice of Meeting - Other
2024-11-29 15:51:49 |
2024 AGM Results |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/c08564be1d436f06199ac783ee3f8923 |
2024-12-02 14:39:38 |
Final Director's Interest Notice - James Barrie |
0 |
https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/1991278455b2a33752cdca90144d0f62 |
Final Director's Interest Notice
2024-12-16 09:50:50 |
Change of Company Name to BOA Resources Limited |
0 |
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